Fine Artisan Wall finishes
Decorative Lime plaster: What is it?
There are different types of plaster, notably lime, gypsum, cement, and clay. William Hudson: Fine Artisan Plasterwork specializes in natural lime plaster in the old world tradition. During the Renaissance, Europe adapted the decorative plasters that were being produced in the palaces of Venice, Italy, and now the term, Venetian plaster, is often used to describe the decorative effects applied to the wall. Here, the preference is not to use that term however, because it is so often employed by home decor companies to describe their synthetic products. It is more accurate to use the Italian terminology, marmorino, which is a putty made from fired limestone sometimes combined with marble dust, sand, or glass. Other terms used to describe this material are stucco Italiano, grassello, seasoned slaked lime, or simply decorative plaster. Many artistic effects can be created from this gorgeous material. Today, lime is undergoing a revival within the eco-building communities due to its environmentally friendly, and low energy construction properties.
Where does it come from?
For centuries, humankind has relied on natural lime plasters to cover their walls. Plasterwork is beautiful and enduring. Limestone walls discovered in Jericho, in the Jordan Valley, and ancient Egyptian limework dated to 7000 BC still stand today. Sculpted with movement and depth, this material is as sensuous as it is nourishing. Being free of chemicals and poisons, and with the tendency to absorb carbon dioxide, as well as having antiseptic properties means traditional lime plasters are environmentally friendly. Unfortunately, modern construction has largely replaced lime plasters with cheap, disposable materials that are generally air-tight and unbreathing, thus trapping toxic substances in the building and creating potential moisture and mold issues. Contrarily, natural lime plasters are permeable and breathable, regulating humidity, temperature, odor, and even sound. Natural lime plasters can even be used with some modern building materials to make them healthier.
How to acquire it?
In the United States, plasterers are rare indeed. Even more so, the plasterer who is a classically trained artist. William Hudson combines both characteristics, the skill of the tradesman and the eye and imagination of the visual artist. To add decorative lime plaster to your wall contact the artist / craftsman, William Hudson Temples, at William Hudson Fine Artisan Plasterwork 704-777-6628 /