Milongueros win original tango art
W. Hudson raffles artwork at the Queen City Tango Marathon 2018
Modern Tango World
The international publication featured the artwork of W.Hudson in its summer 2017 edition.
What did W. Hudson do to celebrate the New Year, 2017? A New Year’s Eve Milonga of course.
The Marathon at the Valhalla- A Tango Warrior Experience was a dance event that attracted an international group of tango aficionados . Tucked away in a rural acreage near Durham, North Carolina, the venue was a rustic complex comprised of a lodge, a large barn and an expansive boardwalk that overlooked a misty pond. The artist’s work was showcased throughout the main lodge and was well received by attendees.
W. Hudson at the artist's reception during ArtSi's First Annual Art Show: Dare to Create - Pushing Your Creative Boundaries, at The Gallery South End in Charlotte North Carolina, Friday November 4th, 2016.
ArtSi's First Annual Art Show: Friday November 4th, 2016.
W. Hudson exhibits fine art with an Argentine tango theme at the 1st annual Louisville Tango Festival, in Louisville Kentucky on May 27, 2016.
The article by Judith Barriga in the 18th Edition, Volume 288, of Hola Noticias on the artwork of W. Hudson. It was available on news stands May 3-9.
March 18th, 2016, the Atlanta tango community hosted the artwork of W. Hudson at their event, A Special Weekend with Julio Balmaceda and Virginia Vasconi.
On January 21, 2016, the artist, W. Hudson, was invited to exhibit at the Mint Museum as part of the institution's Latin Music Concert Series.
W. Hudson with artists and collectors at the McColl eCnter for Art + Innovation
The original artwork, Siempre Tango, is installed in a collector's home.